Friday, May 25, 2012


9:31 p.m.

I didn't sleep last night so I am totally wired right now. I'm not sure what the point of this particular post is yet, I might know by the end. Ha. I went to get mani-pedis with my sister today, we had so much fun! She had me crackin' up and it was really nice to hang out with her just the two of us. I get interrupted every 5 minutes I swear. If I could slap people via Twitter I would do it all the fuck day long! Seriously, there are so many people that I want to beat in the face it's not even healthy. I bet there's a bunch of people that would wonder if it was them if I publicly stated this fact. My answer to that is "Yes, it is you I am talking about." hahahahaha. That's me laughing at myself, I do that so I don't feel like an asshole. Which happens to be quite often. Son of a bitch! This is never going to turn into anything productive because things keep happening and I get distracted and then come back to it 20 minutes later. Peace for now.

xo HG
10:32 p.m.

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